From Hair Salons to Construction Companies, we’ve executed Social Media Strategies for a wide range of industries, and understand how to help you reach your target customer!
Case Study #1:
Maximizing Facebook Reach
The Problem:
When a Baton Rouge Tree Service Company reached out to us, they were struggling with low facebook reach and engagement, and trying to find a way to connect to their clients.
Our Strategy:
The Hive focused on growing brand awareness for them here in Baton Rouge, launching a new instagram for the business and helping them refine their messaging.
The Results:
After 3 months, they saw a 342% increase in facebook visits, 15% increase in reach on facebook, and a 500% increase in facebook page likes.
Case Study #2
Leveraging Linkedin for Lead Gen
The Problem:
A Baton Rouge Industrial Equipment was struggling to convert with their linkedin and was struggling with virtually no social media engagement on any platform.
Our Strategy:
Our marketing pros helped them build a linkedin following, prioritizing outbound engagement for lead generation while keep brand awareness top of mind and launching a newsletter.
The Results:
After 1 month of working with The Hive, they saw a 100% increase in custom button clicks, a 42% increase in unique visitors, a 53% increase in page views, and 5.6% new followers
Here’s What Our Clients Are Saying:
“DO IT! Invest in not only yourself but in your business. I little goes a long way. You might think you know social media and how to attract clients but everyone who use a little spruce... It's good to have an outside source so you have a feeling of what others want/ need.”
“I would not second guess this decision. The knowledge I have received from this makeover has given me confidence and insight to post appropriate content on all social media platforms.”
“Social Media is today what print ads were 20 years ago and people didn't design their own ads. If you believe in yourself and your business, it is an excellent investment. It's also an investment that continues to compound and payoff and it will free up time to spend on other things you enjoy doing more.”
"The content help, overhaul of branding, re-imaging my logo and color scheme -- literally EVERYTHING! It has all been so helpful and I've had the time to start implementing these new posts and tools into my business."