Be the Community You Want To Build!

This Friday I'm feeling ALLLL the feels as I went home this week to move my parents out of my childhood home and closer to me and my family in in Baton Rouge.  

Let me tell you the memories that swept over me with each box opened, each cassette tape looked at and memory brough back.  

My Name " Katie Yancey 1993" in the concrete in the driveway.  

I'm so excited to have my parents 3 hours closer to me and my kids so that they can be an even bigger part of our lives. 

What a blessing!

So my high frequency is coming from an abundance of good memories, lots of love, and more memories to be made moving into the future!

What about you?

What's bringing you the high frequency this Friday?

Oh and you probably wanted a tip about social media which I am totally going to give you!

Pt. 2 of my Engagement Strategy is up today if you didn't see it.  It goes along with high frequency and I'll tell you how. 

First, I want you to search hashtag in Instagram that describes your niche market.

Let's use say you own a hair salon in Baton Rouge; I want you to search #batonrougesalon #batonrougebayalage #batonrougeextentsions etc..

Your feed will pull up hashtags within your search and I want you to choose 5 of your favorites to interact with!

Leave a meaningful and kind comment.  Create a relationship! Show your support!

I promise you this will lift up your community and build one around you.  

Remember: Be the Community You Want To Build!

Good luck and let me know if I can help you with anything social media!


Community Over Competition


Are Your Welcoming Your People In?